Jump forward: five holes (I put one in the wrong spot the first time), four screws, four washers, and four locknuts.
Shazaam! Ka-pow! (I miss the old comic book sound effects)
Insta-deflector (re-use, recycle, regurgitate, whatever...)
That reminds me, I need to wire my grips
I think I like the white ones better, but I would have to heat them up and mold the plastic around the curves... maybe later...
And there ya go! And yes, if you can't tell, I frequently amuse myself! But for now I've got a full tank of fuel to burn, fresh air filter, oil and filter, some clear roads and nice temps. Time to stop talking and start riding.
But look, what's that piece of clear plastic foil hanging down from the shelf, under the 30 year old saddle bags that didn't work out?
Tune in or tune out, but don't be
"That guy"